Design for Change

July 10, 2021

The only constant is change. Especially in the earliest days of product development. Technical implementations are nothing other than subtly more concrete representations of our thoughts and ideas.

Our thoughts and ideas are subject to a great deal of change thatā€™s proportional to our rate of learning.

Inability to respond quickly to change can lead to obsolescence.

Put another way- if our software systems canā€™t support a new need, someone elseā€™s software systems will.

Our industry has responded to this with a great number of tools, tactics, and techniques. Programming paradigms (OOP, FP), test driven development, CI/CD, devops, agile methods, and even some of the more recent SVPG ideas and ways of organizing teams have all helped us uncover ways to anticipate and react quickly to change.

As Iā€™ve experienced all of this response, Iā€™ve formed an opinion that the deeper solutions can be found in both systems and design thinking.

This isnā€™t to say they the former set of tools is irrelevant, this is just my assertion that Fred Brooksā€™ assertion seems to still hold - there are no silver bullets and the best improvements weā€™ll see will come from our ability to design. More importantly, the best improvements weā€™ll see will come from our ability to design for change.

Written by Dave Shah A Husband, Father, Software Engineer, Product Developer, Distance Runner, and most importantly, loving Christian. You can connect with Dave here.

Ā© 2021 Dave Shah